Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 fading away to make room for 2011

Hello there, I am once again looking at this and wondering just what I have been doing since I last posted. And believe you me, I forget that I have access to this. Wow, have you seen some peoples blogs that share great and wonderful things? Yep, this is not one. But know that I am here and thinking,,, now what can I write that may be of interest for someone else. Hmmmm. My exchange student Friederike and I have taken down the decorations and made it to the library so she can have a library card and get some books online for her Kindel. I found that you can check out books and put them on my e reader and I'm so excited. Darrell and Spencer surprised me and helped me decide that I wanted an ereader instead of a Kindel. I love to read and Spencer gave it to us for a great price. Thanks Spencer.

We had a great Christmas with all our children home and everyone got along with one another. Dinner was delicious and being with my family was the greatest gift I could have ever wanted and have recieved...

Spencer and Amber and Adyson have made their way back to Rexburg for school and I am needing to figure out that Skype thing before Sunday so I can see just how much Adyson has changed.. ( in 4 days. ha ha)

Christopher is home and it is great to just spend time with him. Yesterday we were hooking up a car that Darrell got for us to scrap and it was interesting to try to figure out how to use those cool tools to make a car move where you want it to move without a working engine.

Laska has been working and loving her work. I don't get enough time with her but Im sure its enough for her. I drive her crazy at times I am sure.

Dee is working a scraping business that he and Darrell started and we are hoping that it flourishes for him.

Darrell is working hard at Sears and always on the computer trying to figure out just what he needs to make scraping more lucrative and easy. Hmmm.

Me, Im enjoying our exchange students Friederike and Nada. They have been wonderful and they love me. Imagine that.

I hope your new year is fantastic and mark your calendar for the 17 of August. Because I want everyone with me on that day.