Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Yea! I have found this again!!

Hi, wow wasn't that a wonderful conference? Spencer and I were able to go to the Saturday morning session and then my sister Candy and I attended the afternoon session. I cannot wait to have it all in print. I think that I still chuckle with Brother Wirthlin's talk of his daughter's blind date. Was that funny or what?

At any rate, I am so excited. Spencer and Amber's little one is due in one month from tomarrow. I was going thru all my little purchases and found that I have way too many blankets and no diapers. I guess I will have to get with the program and do some shopping.

This weekend we are going to have the baby shower and it should be fun. Laska has planned some games and I look forward to all the excitement. It will be even more fun holding that little one and just soaking her in. I know that the end of the year will come quickly and they will be moving to Rexburg. I guess I will just have to find some way to travel down there.

Christopher is doing great on his mission. Can you believe he will be home in 5 months! I don't know that I will be ready any time soon for him to take off for school. But will cross that road when I come to it.

Laska is studying hard and doing great in school. Her dedication to detail showed in her creation of the baby shower invitations. Wow, she is amazing.

Dee is working at Lowe's and I am working on how I can be more involved in his life. I need to figure out how to love without judgement.

Darrell is doing fine, he has this week off for hunting. And I have him hunting around the house for things to do to fix, repair or prepare for winter. What a wonderful man he truely is.

Me, I am good. I am still trying to figure out if the lap banding is for me or not. I have a meeting with the Dr tomarrow so I will keep you posted.

I hope all is well for everyone. Please take care and call me when ever you can.

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